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Rapid Genesis provides consultancy and advisory services in areas related to environmental sustainability specifically in carbon and water footprints as well as utilisation of biomass resources.


We offer services to corporations in carbon and water footprint assessment, roadmapping towards net zero emissions and technical assessment of low-carbon technologies. Rapid Genesis also specialises in the field of biomass utilisation, having a large database of biomass stakeholders in Malaysia biomass supply chain.


We also provide technical training and outreach  to companies and corporate stakeholders in these areas of specialty.


Our sustainability business are divided into three core areas:​

Consultancy & special projects in R&D, climate change & communications

Technology ventures under Genesis Incubation Centre

Training & outreach to NGOs and corporate stakeholders

We also collaborate extensively with universities, research institutions, government agencies, NGOs and industries to develop technological innovations and solutions to address problems as well as tap into new opportunities in the market.

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